Nowadays, it's a vulgar word synonymous with 'dumbshit', 'fuckwit' or, simply, 'moron'. The suggestion is that the person so designated lacks intelligence. Although intent to slander may be clear, the most accurate or effective choice of words is not.
Chances are good that if you've been called an idiot, and especially if you've ever called anyone else an idiot, then you don't know what one is and that you, yourself, are an idiot. The confusion arises because idiocy has more to do with property than with intelligence. Indeed, some of the smartest individuals are complete idiots.
Idiot derives from the Greek -idios, meaning 'private', 'one's own', or 'proper to one's self'. With relatives including idiom and idiosyncrasy, it has a peculiar ring. As you can imagine, idiots have their own way of seeing and doing things; they live in a world of their own.
The ancient Athenians used the word scornfully to distinguish idiots from citizens, on account of the latter's participation in common, public (i.e. civilized) life. It was considered selfish to abstain from the requirements of citizenship, which, besides correct birth, were education and service. The implication is that to be an idiot is 'to value individual satisfaction more highly than the common good'.
Idiot entered the Latin language when Roman soldiers slaughtered the Athenian armies, the latter composed mostly of private citizens unschooled in combat with only a few genuine officers. Private was the name given to the lowest rank to describe men who (briefly) fought in their own clumsy way, and the tradition continues. In his own inept attempt to classify varieties of mental retardation, Dr. Henry Goddard confused lack of education and/or the lowest military rank with IQ levels as measured by a peculiar (and flawed) theory of 'mental ages', with idiot at the bottom of the scale (aged less than three years).
The most notorious idiot in English literature must be Sherlock Holmes - and for a real case study, consider Howard Hughes. Maybe instead of calling someone an idiot in a moment of otherwise justifiable anger, you might instead point out that they have their own private understanding of the matter and/or that they may be a closet sociopath. If you feel that you are being called an idiot unjustly, you might simply smile and say, "And you, Dr. Watson, are feeble-minded."
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I enjoyed that essay immensely... I have a friend who is really into the true meaning and origin of words... I will send her this link.
ReplyDeleteAnd apparently I truly am an idiot. I do indeed live in a world all my own.
Thanks for the kind remarks. It delights me to delimit minds. "Idiot" seemed like a good way to begin this series. I hope you will enjoy future installments.
I like this blog and I feel rather foolish for using these words wrong... just read passion... apparently compassion I have wrong too... I am trying hard these days to steer clear of the constant conflict that keeps coming up on blogs... You and I have had a few skirmishes but I respect your intelligence and the fact you are consistent in your view of how things should be... I don't have to completely agree to see your points... and of course I am talking more-so about the white hat blog than this one... and I'm glad to see you and Wanda have hit it
DeleteI'm glad you enjoy the blog. I have at least another dozen entries in various stages of development, which I hope you will enjoy. As for conflict in the blogosphere, I thought Abby had a monopoly on that.
DeleteMe, I find it stupid. What I find smart are questions, which leaves me with two problems (especially in venues like the White Hats Report).
The first is that nobody knows how to ask them, and they rely instead on slander and off-the-mark accusuations, etc. The second is that folks tend to feel offended by questions, personally challenged, and they don't think to simply answer them truthfully.
Like John or Wanda, they seem to think that we're supposed to debate ideas, which tends to bore me. I find making discoveries to be more 'interesting' (another misused word that I will discuss in this blog - meaning to have 'skin in the game' or 'a dog in the fight' ... the prospect for gain or loss in the real world) than I find debating people and their conclusions to be.
In a way, that's part of why I started this blog - to highlight misunderstandings and point out that while they endure, debate is premature. Since the same loaded terms tend to be misunderstood across different blog genres (and elsewhere), it seemed more efficient than cutting and pasting the same arguments hither and yon. This way, I can refer folks here as the list grows.
The other reason is that this is the sister blog to my others, which have different, albeit, controversial, foci. One obstacle to getting my ideas out is the lack of common vocabulary. This blog allows me to define my terms ... not quite once and for all, but close enough for now.
Thank you so much for your readership and for your ongoing kind remarks.
Okay, idios can be related to property because:
ReplyDeleteI = the third eye... i is the third vowel
D = the fourth letter - represents the material world, the four elements, man in his material form.
IO = the union of lingam and yoni represents the “indivisible two-in-oneness of male and female, the passive space and active time from which all life originates"
S = is the serpent... kundalini, the spine, that which connects and runs through
To make idios into idiot... swap that which connects (S) for that which you believe (T)....
T = Theos, God, religion, the cross. Your beliefs, whether real or imaginary. You are either a genius or an idiot by your beliefs
My understanding of kundalini is that it is the power of fantasy, marked by a satisfaction with substitutes - kinda like drugs or porn, when you think about it. I recommend caution with it in any of its forms. Quantum grammar is among them. Have you run into that yet?
DeleteTo be honest, i have not looked into the etymology of kundalini, i am merely parroting what i've heard of it. Although, as i express it, it doesn't lend to your understanding. I think of it as spiritual/sexual energy that surpasses the power of fantasy and for which there is no substitute.
However, i concede i need to go to the drawing board on that one... i will get back to you on that.
"In so-called 'occult' literature you have probably met with the expression 'Kundalini,' 'the fire of Kundalini,' or the 'serpent of Kundalini.' This expression is often used to designate some kind of strange force which is present in man and which can be awakened. But none of the known theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. Sometimes it is connected with sex, with sex energy, that is with the idea of the possibility of using sex energy for other purposes. This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. And above all, Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man's development. It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing.
Delete"In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which takes the place of a real function. When a man dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him. Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini.
"Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized.' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken."
In Search of the Miraculous, p. 220
Sorry for the deletion...
DeleteI got a hard time listening to anyone who would claim there is no organic necessity for sleep. That's absurd.
By 'sleep' is meant that hypnotic state in which we operate for 16 hours per day or more. There is no organic need to live in a trance.
DeleteI don't know how you 'listen' to the written word, but I can assure you that it was not meen to be 'easy'. If you dislike a rousing challenge, you might enjoy The Colbert Report better.
Meanwhile, the point was about kundalini - remember? Beware of it. There ain't no need for it any more than there is for masturbation. To believe otherwise is absurd, no?
I disagree because he prefaces the word sleep with "organic". That is a distinction.
DeletePrior to that he is clearly indicating what i will term "wool gathering"... dreaming in place of action, done in a waking state, not during "organic" sleep... and in that case, yes, it is pure fantasy.
As to masturbation, it is different for men than it is for women. In the male the sperm will come out on its own in the organic dream state, if you will... however a man's mind can become so enslaved to cultural taboos or religious notions as to affect that ability and that can and does lead to physical problems. I personally know a man who had doctors orders to jack off.
Your turn...
Ya'll lost but I am an expert on...oh never mind...
DeleteWIth all due respect, your disagreement is irrelevant. The quote is taken from a book which you have not read and whose content (and context) you do not understand.
DeleteHow can one disagree with what one does not understand? Isn't that premature?
That's why I included a link to a PFD version of the whole book, so that you might glean the context, which is of the work entailed in waking from a trance.
To your final point, I am not impressed by doctors. Don't forget that not so long ago they used to prescribe leeches. Experimenting on one's patients does not a scientist make. Doctors do at least as much harm as good. In fact, as late as 2011, death due to medical malpractice in the USA exceeded that from gun related murders and suicides by a factor of 3.
On another note, closer to that of kundalini, I suspect that you believe a bit too much in words at the expense of experience. I enjoy words, too, but in the service of clarity and not confusion. In you I see a tendency to over-extend your reason, only to need a trip back to the drawing board, as you write above. Spell craft, of which you write below, is probably another variation of kundalini. I recommend closer examination of the living details and less fascination with 'ideas'.
Me, I see no organic need to live in a trance. Waking up ain't easy, and I admit that it's not for everyone. Those who work at it inevitably discover kundalini as an obstacle ... what you might call 'the dream of waking up'.
And Geno... you are the farthest from an idiot than i know... although, we all have our moments. It's called being human, and far from what religion tells us, it is forgivable... we pull up our pants, learn from the experience and move on.
ReplyDeleteThe key is in learning. We will continue to get knocked around until we learn.
By the description of idiot above I no longer find it to be an insult...
DeleteNot so fast hotshot. The S connects and runs through. The T is your beliefs... look at the word belief. There's a LIE in belief.
DeleteSpell craft is fascinating. The thing you have going for you Geno is you have a conscious. Note there is an iou in consciousness. You live it. You're awesome... and not an idiot... well, not all the time.
You know what. i anticipated your response. Narcissists like you are all the same. You're not hear to learn... you're here to shove your overblown and quasi intellectual bullshit on people. When the rare genuinely intelligent person shows up, you can't handle it... you resort to insults.
ReplyDeleteI had you called from the start... Geno can back me on that, because it i told him so. So screw you... IDIOT.
"One of the niceties I notice between my real dialogues and my various social media adventures is that in one arena I am fairly often called a/n (insert salacious expletive at will) idiot and in the other, never. Any guesses as to which is which? I suspect it is a mere tactic, used more in fear of cognitive dissonance than as a measure of my stupidity."
DeleteFecking thing is... you were simple to expose... no challenge at all.
ReplyDeleteHas it occured to you that debate is stupid and boring?